The Student Financial Services office processes tuition and fees charges. We process payments, apply financial aid to students' bills (accounts), set up payment plans and answer your questions about your bill. 

Questions: | (319) 226-2514

Student Bill & Due Dates


  • A bill is created when a student is registered for classes. This creates a financial obligation by the registrant to pay tuition and fees while constituting an understanding and acceptance of this responsibility.
  • A bill may also be created when a student withdraws from classes. Refund and Repayment Policy.
  • Allen College does not send bills in any form.
  • Bills (statements) may be accessed through students' "My Pulse" accounts under My Billing & Payments and then click on Touchnet.
  • Tuition, fees and other authorized charges for the semester are available at a minimum of one week before classes begin.

Due Dates:

       Fall semester: September 15

       Spring semester: February 15

       Summer semesters: June 15 (except new ASR students' payments are due August 1)

  • Late Fees: A fee of $20 per month will be assessed if payment is not received in full by the due date. 

Billing Holds:

  • Students are placed on a billing hold due to a past due balance. 
  • Billing holds may prevent you from getting transcripts, registering for classes, being blocked from class in future semesters and may not be able to access grades.
  • Any outstanding financial obligations to Allen College, either on student tuition accounts or institutional loans, must be in good standing and/or paid in full in order to be considered for readmission to Allen College.

Collection Efforts:

Any student that has a past due bill or past due payment on a McElroy institutional loan will be submitted to a collection agency and will be responsible for any additional costs incurred by Allen College associated with the collection of that balance. This includes but is not limited to collection agency fees, litigation costs, attorney fees, etc.


Payment Information

Payment Options

Credit Card:

  • Credit/Debit card payments will incur a bank processing fee of 2.95%, with a $3 minimum.
  • Students can set up Authorized Users (parents, spouse, etc.) to view and make payments in the students billing portal.
  • Students are able to make credit/debit card payments in My Billing & Payments option of your My Pulse student portal.


  • Payments may be mailed to Allen College | Attn: Student Financial Services | 1825 Logan Avenue | Waterloo, IA 50703.
  • Check payments will also be accepted in person by Student Financial Services located in Barrett Forum.
  • Students are able to make bank account ACH payments (avoiding the bank processing fee) in My Billing & Payments option of your My Pulse student portal.
  • Students can set up Authorized Users (parents, spouse, etc.) to view and make payments in the students billing portal.

Payment Plan (Payment Plan Policy Plan):

  • The Plan: The payment plan allows a student to make three-four monthly installments, giving the student more time to pay with smaller installments. The payment plan is for tuition, fees and other authorized charges less financial aid credited to an account if applicable.
  • Fee: A $15 non-refundable administrative charge per semester will be assessed for use of the payment plan option.
  • Process: Students must enroll in the payment plan option from the student portal. Payment plans will be available to qualified students via their My Pulse portal each semester 3 weeks prior to term start and up to seven days after. Call (319) 226-2003 or email for assistance.
  • Failure to make timely payments may result in revocation of the privilege to pay in installments.

Late Fees: A fee of $20 per month will be assessed on each missed or late payment if not received in full by the payment plan due date. 

Refund Checks

A refund check is created when a student's bill has a credit balance. This happens when financial aid, payments, scholarships or adjustments are made to the student's bill resulting in "overpayment" of the bill.

  • Refunds are processed weekly.
  • Refund checks are mailed to the student's billing address on file. PLUS loan refund checks are mailed to the parent originating the loan unless written authorization releasing the funds to the student has been made and is on file in the Student Financial Services Office.
  • You can update your billing address by contacting the Student Financial Services office at (319) 226-2514 or emailing 
  • Allen College will hold credit balances in order to assist students in managing their funds for the remainder of the academic year if the student makes this request in writing. Students have the right to rescind this authorization at any time and request that credit balance funds be disbursed.

The 1098-T is a tax form that eligible educational institutions generate to report for each students' payments (including loans) made and scholarships, grants or other applicable payments they received for qualified tuition and fees.

  • Allen College generates a 1098-T for each eligible student.
  • The 1098-T is available no later than January 31 for the previous year.
  • The 1098-T form can be accessible in your “My Pulse” account, under My Billing & Payments and then Touchnet.
Withdrawing from Allen College

The student contacts the Registrar's Office to withdraw from Allen College. Refer to the Refund and Repayment Policy and the Withdrawal Policy. The student should also contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss financial implications of withdrawing. 

  • Withdrawing from Allen College may result in a refund or a student bill, even if the bill had previously been considered paid in full. 
  • Arrangements may be considered for students who withdraw and cannot pay their student bill in full. Students should pursue financing from outside sources such as family, friends, or a lending institution.
  • To prevent your account from going to a collection agency, Allen College will, as a last resort, accept monthly payments. A written agreement must be signed and dated. Missing a single payment is grounds for cancellation of the arrangements and referral to a collection agency. These arrangements may not be a cure for the delinquency and Allen College transcripts may still be held until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

Refund Dates